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- Vedic Math Quiz
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- All About Vedic Mathematics
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- Do You Know About the GIJSWIJT Sequence? It’s Very Interesting
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- How Leonardo Da Pisa got Himself another Name which is Famous for his series!
- Apastamba Muni Who Estimated the Value of Square Root of two
- Did you know the Ancient Indian Mathematician’s Incredible Contributions?
- How A Theorem, A Lemma, A Corollary are different from each other?
- The Acharya Pingala Who Introduced the Binary Numbers
- The Ancient Muni and his Treatise of Natya Shastra
- The Katyayana Rishi who was the Last Mathematician of the Vedic Period
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- Manava Sulbasutras :The First Vedic Priest who Find the Value of π in Sulba Sutras
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- History of Pi
- 8 Cool Mathematical Puzzle Games to Engage and Challenge
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- Kalidasa – The Indian Author
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- The Woman Who Helped the Needy People all her life and Was a Great Mathematician
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- The Most Exceptional Number that is Divisible by all the Digits from 1 to 10
- Why is 6174 the Magic Number ? What’s so special? Here’s why
- Entertain Yourself Mathematically by Using Four Fours
- Did you know about Interesting Facts of the Number 20? Here Are Some of Them!
- Seventeen Facts You must know about the Number 19
- Seventeen Cool Fact about Eighteen
- International Mathematical Olympiad
- Agastya Muni The Vedic Sage of Hinduism
- National Scholarship Exam
- Fibonacci Day : Interesting Mathematical Days Which are Celebrated Worldwide!
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- International Day of Mathematics History
- National Mathematics Day
- Countdown to Fun: Celebrating World Maths Day and the Joy of Numbers!
- Squaring off for Square Root Day: Fun Facts and Festivities
- Pythagorean Theorem Day
- 3.14 Reasons to Celebrate Pi Day (π): Math, Pies, and More!
- Joseph Lister: Father of Modern Antiseptic Surgery?
- Homi Jehangir Bhabha the man behind Indian Nuclear Program
- Thomas Newcome the Inventor of the Atmosphere Steam Engine
- Edward Lorenz: American Mathematician and Meteorologist
- Jagdish Chandra Bose Founder of Plant Research and Radio Science
- Emmy Noether the Originator of Noether’s Theorem (1882-1935)
- Joseph Fourier the Man Behind the Discovery of Greenhouse Effect
- Percival Lowell: Who Discovered Canals and Oases on Mars
- Evariste Galois A Revolutionary Teenager who Revolutionized Maths
- Grace Hopper A Rebellious Woman Who Made the First Computer Programming Language
- Gottfried Leibniz the Father of Calculus and a Philosopher Who Created the Information Age
- Franz Mesmer the Man Behind Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Modern Era
- Louis Agassiz the Man Who Found Ice Age Era on Earth
- Julia Robinson: Woman Who Solved Hilbert’s Tenth Problem
- William Buckland who discovered about Megalosaurus and Glaciation
- Claude Bernard Who Originated the Study of Life and Its Process to Medicines
- Martin Gardner a Famous writer Who Became a Mathematician
- John von Neumann : The Man Who Revolutionized Computers
- Edmond Halley : Founder of the Halley’s Comet
- Paul Joseph Cohen: From Being an Immigrant to the Mathematical Legend of the USA
- Giuseppe Peano: Journey from a Farmer Boy to Great Mathematician
- Henri Poincare Originator of Algebraic Topology
- Mihailo Petrovic Alas a Serbian Mathematician
- John Wallis (1616-1703) : English Mathematician and Clergyman
- Emanuel Lasker : Mathematician who is the Longest Reigning World Chess Champion
- Eratosthenes : Greek Mathematician, Geographer, Poet, Astronomer.
- Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871) British mathematician
- Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) : English Mathematician, Physicist, Astronomer, Theologian, and Author
- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) : Astronomer, Physicist and engineer
- Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) : German Astronomer, Mathematician, Astrologer, Natural Philosopher
- Gottlob Frege : German Mathematician and Philosopher
- Fibonacci (1170 – 1250) Biography : Italian Mathematician
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)- Biography German Greatest Physicist,
- Pythagoras Biography : Greek Philosopher, Acientist, Astronomer,
- Blaise Pascal : French Mathematician Physicist, Inventor, and Writer
- Rene Descartes : French Mathematician, Scientist and philosopher
- Augustin Louis Cauchy : French Mathematician and Physicist
- Alexander Grothendieck : German Mathematician
- John Venn : English Mathematician
- Marie Sophie Germain: French Mathematician and Physicist
- Ada Lovelace : English Mathematician and Writer
- Erwin Chargaff : American biochemist, Writer, Bucovinian
- Bhaskara 1: 7th Century Famous Indian Mathematician
- Abacus: Tool to perform Mathematical Calculations
- Sri Dharacharya Indian Mathematician, Sanskrit Pandit and Philosopher.
- Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Shri Nischalananda Saraswati Vedic Mathematician and Sanskrit.
- Baudhayana (800 BC – 740 BC) is said to be the Original Mathematician behind the Pythagoras Theorem
- Kubera Kolam
- Varahamihirawas an Ancient Indian Astrologer, Astronomer, and Polymath who lived in Ujjain.
- Manjul Bhargava Canadian-American Mathematician.
- Georg Cantor : German mathematician
- Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866): German mathematician
- Daniel Bernoulli : Swiss Mathematician and Physicist
- Umar Al Khayyam: Persian Polymath, Mathematician, Astronomer, Philosopher, and Poet.
- Andrew Wiles Royal Society Research Professor English mathematician
- Heron : Greek Mathematician and Engineer
- Grigori Perelman: Russian mathematician
- Claudius Ptolemy : Greek Mathematician, Astronomer, Geographer, Astrologer and Music Theoris
- Edward Witten : American Mathematical and Theoretical Physicist.
- George Boole : English Mathematician, Philosopher, and Logician
- Pierre Simon Laplace : French Mathematician, physicist, and Astronomer
- Astronomer Hipparchus: Greek Astronomer, Geographer, and Mathematician
- Diophantus ( Alexandria of mathematician ) : Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician
- Filippo Brunelleschi : Italian Architect, Designer, Mathematician, and Engineer
- Euclid Alexandria Greek Mathematician
- John Napier : Scottish Mathematician, Astronomer, and Physicist
- John Nash American Mathematician
- Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana was the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism
- Iriññāttappiḷḷi Mādhavan Nampūtiri known as Mādhava of Sangamagrāma was a Hindu mathematician and astronomer
- Pierre de Fermat : French mathematician
- Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli Italian Mathematician
- G. H. Hardy English Mathematician
- Brahmagupta was an Indian Mathematician and Astronomer
- Aryabhata I was the first of the major Mathematician-Astronomers from the classical age of Indian Mathematics and Indian Astronomy
- Carl Friedrich Gauss : German Mathematician and Physicist
- David Hilbert : German Mathematician
- Archimedes : Greek Mathematician, Physicist, Engineer, Astronomer, and Inventor
- Thales of Miletus : Greek mathematician, astronomer and Pre-Socratic Philosopher
- Muhammad IBN Musa Al Khwarizmi
- Leonhard Euler : Swiss Mathematician, Physicist, Astronomer, Geographer, Logician and Engineer
- Srinivasa Ramanujan FRS was an Indian mathematician who lived during the British Rule in India
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