shakuntala devi

Shakuntala Devi Books

Shakuntala Devi is an Indian Mathematician who is also a writer. She has written more than 20 books covering maths to different genre and subject. Here is the Complete list of Shakuntala Devi Books. 

Shakuntala Devi Books

Puzzles To Puzzle by Shakuntala Devi had made Mathematics fun for those who fear from maths, though, through this book. This puzzle book shows its readers delightful ways in which they can tease their brains and make them work through solving some exciting maths problems.

shakuntala devi books

The Book of Numbers by Shakuntala Devis takes their readers to a new world of numbers. They will learn the things that they had never knew it. It teaches the shortcuts of maths, a lot of tips and tricks will be mentioned there, which one can quickly learn and use in their daily life. The book of number mainly focuses on eradicating the fear of maths from the minds of people. This is mostly for those who hate maths and are scared of maths.

shakuntala devi books

A collection of numerical and mathematical tricks are been compiled in a single book known as" Figuring: The Joy of Numbers: Record-Breaking Mathematical Magic from the World's Fastest Human-Computer Paperback" written by Guinness Book of Records, Mrs. Shakuntala Devi, who is also known as a human calculator.

shakuntala devi books

More Puzzles to Puzzle You have a set of puzzles that are designed to stimulate your brain and sharpen your mathematics skills. There are 300 puzzles, riddles and brain-teasers covering geometry, elementary algebra, and arithmetic.

shakuntala devi books

Mathematical merry-go-round, Shakuntala Devi dramatizes the unending charm of numbers and their ability to astonish and inspire. Fractions, decimals, and compound interest become clear and easy. In this book, she will teach easy-to-learn short cuts on how to add long columns in your head, find square roots, multiply, divide magically and quickly.

shakuntala devi books

Awaken the Genius In Your Child by Shakuntala Devi will help -

1. combine the unique knowledge of your child's personality

2. a parent can help their child achieve his full potential

3. create a constructive, fun and supportive learning environment for children

shakuntala devi books

This book motivates the kids to do little mathematics tricks from 0 to 9. It motivates parents and teaches them to mold their kids to take the drive into the world of maths and to fall in love with it.

This book is the Story of Neha, who is lagging in maths. Her new teacher fills her mind with the fear of maths, because of which she fails in the maths exams. After the exam, on the way back to her home, she meets with an accident because of which she goes into a coma. She enters into the world of maths, also known as the Kingdom of Zero in her sub-conscious mind.

shakuntala devi books

In today's increasingly complex and technological world, the essential thing you can do for your kid is to nourish math ability. fear of maths are weakening the child's future. Mathability is a skill that teaches a child how to think. Those who say 'that their child is poor at maths' are doing themselves an injustice. Mathability is a skill that develops intelligence potential.

shakuntala devi books

This book, which is written by Shakuntala devi, has been designed for children who want to learn maths with alphabetic. Starting from ABC to the medium level, it teaches everything that one to know. It is mostly for the kids who are starting to strength up to their skills

shakuntala devi books

This book is the story human mind gripped by greed, selfishness, and lust. A Successful Lawyer turned into a killer and was planning upon committing a perfect crime. In this story, Kamal protagonist (or the antagonist) is a lawyer who tries to kill his wife Seema, with the help of Pushpa, kamal's secretary with whom she is in love with.

shakuntala devi books

Astrology was emerging in those days, but there was no proper book based on it, and even they were there, then it was tough to understand and work on it. Shakuntala Devi, with her mathematical skills and astrology skills she wrote a book that made astrology simpler and easier to understand and practice. In this book, she discusses zodiac signs and their importance, planets orbiting, and how it is going to affect our live styles, asterisms, Bhavas, Yogas, Dasas and the rising signs, their effects and transits. She writes this book in such a way that if you want to become an amateur astrologer then after reading this book you can easily become

shakuntala devi books

Shakuntala Devi puts down her complete life work in this book. This book will help to improve the memory of the readers who reads this book. In this book, you will find 12 easy ways to improve your memory; You will learn all the tips and tricks to use your brain in a better way. This book is the compiled version of 40 years of hardwork and experiences. If one would read the steps that are mentioned in this book to improve their memory and tries to implement it, then it is sure that the reader would surely enhance their memory.

Shakuntala Devi Books

The World of Homosexuals by Shakuntala Devi is an investigation of the world of gay, containing personal interviews with homosexuals abroad and India, which makes this book is the first educational book on Homosexuals in post-independent India. This book shows the life of Homosexuals and tells about rational analysis of its social, humane, compassionate, and psychological consequences.

Social Planning in India

shakuntala devi books

After independence, the government of India focused on 80% of the total Indian population, Who are in the rural sector. Post-independence period, the first time in the history of Indian planning, this book which is known as Social Planning in India by Shakuntala Devi, has come out with an in-depth analysis of various institutions of rural development. This book focuses mainly on rural development and social planning in India. This book says what the changes that were made at that time, that changed the lives of people are.

Rural Credits and Agricultural Development

shakuntala devi books

In most of the newly liberated countries, the majority of society was rural, which was and poverty-ridden and utterly backward. For many developing countries, the greatest challenge before the governments was to revitalize agriculture. In this book, Rural Credits and Agricultural Development by Shakuntala Devi is an attempt to examine the role of institutional credit agencies providing agricultural credit to the farmers under multi-agency-approach. For developing theoretical concepts and practice in the field of rural development., the experiences of American research organizations were taken.

Caste System in India

shakuntala devi books

In this book, Shakuntala Devi presents everything that she had analyzed and researched. Few of the topics that are included are :

• The Changing Concept of Caste in India: History and Review

• India s Social Customs and Systems

• Society: Class, Family, and Individual

• Division of Castes

• Disintegration and Multiplication of Caste

Systems of Education

shakuntala devi books

On the educational system in America and its implications for India. In this book, she compares the American Education System with the Indian Education System. She highlights all the points that were missing in India that are implemented in America and vice versa. She tells the importance of better education in India and how it can be improved.

Though She was being thrown out of school at the age of 10 as she couldn't pay her 2 Rs fees and didnt even had her primary education, she had been to various parts of the world and compared the education systems, and she mentions the ways to improve it.

Women's Status and Social Change

shakuntala devi books

Women have been key factors of social change as well, and because of social change, there is a huge change in the lives of people, women stood arm to shoulder with men to change the socieity. In this book, Shakuntala Devi shares the importance of women in society and the changes they tried to bring in society how they bring changes in the lives of people.

Tradition and Modernity among Indian Women

shakuntala devi books

Tradition and Modernity among Indian women by Shakuntala Devi focus on the following things:

Traditions that Indian women used to follow at that time and what are the problems they used to face. This book says about how One will learn about how Indian Women Have Responded to Modern Conditions one will know about how Indian Woman Had to Adapt Her Role According to Changing Circumstances and Social Evils like purdah System and Child Marriage

Employment of Labour and Rural Development

shakuntala devi books

This book illustrates about Employment of Labour and Rural Development of India. This book depicts the real picture of Indian Labour, how they were treated, and how hard their lives were. She takes the example of some real scenarios that happened at that time. She mentions about different kinds of policies and acts that have been implemented in India, She says about the wages that were given to the labors and how they used to sustain these labors used to maintain their lives with the salaries they used to get.

Gods and Goddesses in Indian Mythology

shakuntala devi books

The blessed fisherman and other stories

shakuntala devi books