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How Leonardo Da Pisa got Himself another Name which is Famous for his series!

Fibonacci as we all know are numbers but it got this name through Leonardo Da Pisa who was born in 1175 AD in Pisa, Italy. He is also known as Leonardo Da Pisano son of a Pisan merchant.

You must be wondering why Leonardo Pisan was known as Fibonacci as his father’s name was Guglielmo Bonaccio and Fibonacci is a short form of the word ‘Filius Bonacci’ which means ‘the son of Bonacci.

Now you must be thinking about what is in a name that I’m giving so many details and today’s story is your answer as I was also delighted to know how he got his name and thought of sharing it with all of you. So let’s start!

Leonardo Da Pisa is known for his contributions in the famous ‘Fibonacci numbers’ and ‘decimal number system’ he was also known as the most talented Italian Mathematician of the middle age.

He learned about the decimal number system from the Arabs and introduced the number system first in Europe. If you all remember about the positional system based on the ten digits including the decimal points and also a symbol of zero, which we all use today (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0).

Leonardo Da Pisa also wrote a book “Abbaci” meaning a ‘book of abacus or a book of calculating’ in this book he wrote on how you can do Arithmetic in the decimal system.

If we look into one of chapter 12 from the Fibonacci Abacci book in which he introduced one of the problems which was: “how many pairs of rabbits by one pair in one particular year?”


One man who had some pairs of rabbits all together in an empty place and one of the people wanted to know how many can be created from one pair in a year then when it is the nature of them so that they can bear one more pair in that single month, and also in the second month those born to bear also. That’s when he showed how he solved the stated problem through the series: starting from 1 first 2 seconds 3 third 5 fourth 8 fifth 13…end 377.

Leonardo included in his book Abaci that he studied about the “nine Indian figure” and their arithmetic as well and probably merely included about the rabbit problem or its solution in the book which bears his name.

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Edouard Lucas (1842-1891) was the person who gave the name Fibonacci number to the series of Leonardo and also made many other important contributions.


Every human has two hands, each one of these has five fingers, each finger has three parts which are separated by two knuckles.

All of these numbers fit into the sequence. These patterns within nature were discovered many centuries ago, and until this day, scientists are still studying the pattern of nature’s numbers. There is much that has been scientifically proven regarding nature’s numbers and the planet, animal, and human world in which we live.

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Did you know the Fibonacci Number is Encoded with the Number 1/89?

The Fibonacci series is one of the most amazing things in mathematics a series where every number is the sum of the previous number which would start from 1 for example:

Start from 1 then add 1 so 2 (1+1), 3 (2+1), 5 (3+2), 8 (+3) and so on. Now what and how all this is relatable to 89 if we see at a first glance nothing because 1/89 is an infinite number 1/89 = 0.01 + 0.001 + 0.0002 + 0.00003 + 0.000005 + 0.0000008 + 0.00000013 + 0.000000021….and so on it is infinite and beyond.

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If you are thinking it’s a coincidence but it’s not 1/(1-x-x2) gives you a Fibonacci sequence. If we place x with 1/10, then you end up getting 89!

Also, let me tell you the Fibonacci sequence has a lot to do with nature as well because if you look at the petals of ‘daisy’ counterclockwise and clockwise it consists of the Fibonacci sequence 21, 34, or 55. Not only in this flower but in sunflowers, shells, hurricanes, spiral galaxies, and pine cones everywhere there is the Fibonacci Sequence if you look carefully.

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In the End

I would like to say that Leonardo created a sequence which can be seen at most of the places which are quite interesting mathematically and normally also. So that’s how Leonardo Pisa got his series the name of Fibonacci Sequence!

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