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Brahmagupta was an Indian Mathematician and Astronomer

Brahmagupta was one of the first and greatest mathematicians of his era.He was not only a master of astronomy, but he was also an expert in mathematics, in topics like algorithmics, algebra, trigonometry, and geometry.


Brahmagupta Life History:

Few of the Important events in the life of Braphmagupta:

  • Brahmagupta was born in Bhillamala, which is now Bhinmal in 598 CE. He followed Hinduism. He spent most of his childhood days in Bhillamala. He was born when the Chavda dynasty was ruling the dynasty.
  • He researched on astronomy and worked as an astronomer for Brahmapaksha school. It was one of the most famous Indian astronomy schools in India during that era. He studied Indian astronomy traditional, which is siddhanthas.
  • He studied the works of great Mathematicians and astronomers like Aryabhata I, Srisena, Vijayanandin Latadeva, Pradyumna, Simha, Varahamihira and Vishnuchandra.
  • When he was 30 years old, in 628 BC, he wrote the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta which revised version of siddhanthas of the which he studied in Brahmapaksha school. He has added a lot of new things to the book.
  • Later, to do more research on astronomy he moved to Ujjain. Ujjain is said to be one of the best places to research astronomy. 
  • At the age of 67, he wrote Khanda-khādyaka for his students. This book of his served as a practical manual of Indian Astronomy.
  • He spent the last days of his life in Ujjain and died in 665 CE.

Brahmagupta Books

Few of the famous books written by Brahmagupta are:

  1. Algebra, with Arithmetic and Mensuration
  2. Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta
  3. Brahmaguptaganitam
  4. Classics of Indian Mathematics
  5. Khandakhadyaka

Contributions of Brahmagupta in Mathematics

Few of the Contributions done by the Brahmaputra in field Mathematics are:

  1. Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity                         
  2. Brahmagupta’s formula                        
  3. Brahmagupta’s identity                    
  4. Brahmagupta’s interpolation formula                    
  5. Brahmagupta’s problem                 
  6. Brahmagupta’s theorem                    
  7. Modern number system

Few of his other contributions:

  1. He gave the solution of the general linear equation. (bx + c = dx + e equivalent to x = e − c/b − d)
  2. He gave the details operations on fractions.
  3. He gave the solution for the sum of the first n integers squares and cubes.
  4. He gave the rules for arithmetic manipulations that apply to negative numbers and zero.
  5. He said that 0/0 = 0.
  6. He gave the formula for Pythagorean triples.
  7. He figured out the answer to Diophantine equations.
  8. He is recognized for cyclic quadrilaterals.
  9. He solves indeterminate quadratic equations.
  10. He found a unique case in Newton–Stirling interpolation formula.

Interesting facts about Brahmagupta

Few of the Interesting facts about Brahmagupta:

  1. He was the head of astronomical observatory at Ujjain.
  2. He has written more than 25 chapters with 1008 verses in it.
  3. His work has inspired many Islamic Mathematicians.

Awards and Rewards under the name of Brahmagupta

Brahmagupta Award is given to someone who does something exceptional in Mathematics.

Brahmagupta Award

A Fishermen Village in Kerala (India) known as Thoothoor gives BrahmaGupta Award to people who does something exceptional in the field of mathematics from their village.

Other Mathematicians Talking about him

Few Mathematicians like Al-Khwarizmi has spoken about this great Indian Mathematician.

The Persian Astronomer and mathematician Al-Khwarizmi wrote al-Jam wal-tafriq bi hisal-al-Hind, which means Addition and Subtraction in Indian Arithmetic. This book was later translated into Latin as Algorithmi de numero indorum. Brahmagupta’s work spread throughout the world as more and more mathematicians came about his work.

Quotes By Brahmagupta

The sum of two positive integers is positive, two negative numbers is negative, of a positive and negative number is the difference.

Divide the Multiplier and the divisor manually and find the last residue, those quantities are been divided by the residue will be the prime of each other.

As the sun eclipses the stars by its brilliancy, so the man of knowledge will eclipse the fame of others in assemblies of the people if he proposes algebraic problems, and still more if he solves them. A person who can, within a year, solve x2 – 92y2 = 1 is a mathematician.

Bodies fall towards the earth as it is in the nature of the earth to attract bodies, just as it is in the nature of water to flow.


What did Brahmagupta discover?

Brahmagupta discovered a unique case in Newton–Stirling interpolation formula. He also explained about the Diophantine equations.

When has Brahmagupta died?

Brahmagupta Died in Ujjain in 668 AD while writing his research books on astronomy for students.

What is Brahmagupta known for?

Brahmagupta is known for his mathematical and works on astronomy. He said how to use the negative numbers and how to use zero. He laid the rules for many mathematical theories.

Who found zero?

Brahmagupta found Zero. He also spoke about how Zero should be used. He has not only derived the value of Zero, but he has also used it. In his book Brahmasphuṭasiddhānta he has mentioned everything about Zero.

Who is the father of arithmetic?

Brahmagupta is as the father of arithmetic. The first arithmetic operations have been described in his book called Brahmasphutasiddhanta. He has also said how to use the arithmetics.

Who is the father of addition?

Brahmagupta was the first to represent addition in the form of symbols. This has been described in his book Brahmasphutasiddhanta.

Did Brahmagupta invent zero?

Brahmagupta was the first mathematician to use the symbol zero. He has developed the symbol of Zero.


For More Details about this old and great Indian mathematician, Visit the Official San José State University Website.

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