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Emmy Noether the Originator of Noether’s Theorem (1882-1935)

Amalie Emmy Noether was a German mathematician and in her short time, Emmy converted to the face of physics. Emmy Noether has made many important benefactions to abstract algebra. as well.

Time and Place of birth

Noether Emmy was born on 23 March 1882 in the small town of Erlangen near Nuremberg, Germany.

Noether Emmy Early life

Noether went to an elementary school in her childhood and after that, she entered the Academic Senate of the university but she was only allowed partially to audit classes because of gender discrimination there were only two women in between 986 students.

In the year 1903 she somehow with these difficulties graduated from the exam. Noether had both graduate degrees and P.h.D as well.

She spent the winter in auditing classes at the University of Gottingen in 1903-04 as at that point in time women was only allowed to audit classes. Emmy returned to Erlangen in 1904 and received a Ph.D. degree with a dissertation on algebraic invariants in 1907.

For the next seven years from 1907-1915, she taught students mathematics without any part at the University of Erlangen. In 1910-11 Emmy published an extension of her thesis work from three variables and variables.

Emmy was verified to teach English and French in 1900 to other girls but, instead, she chose to study mathematics at Erlangen University.

Emmy was known for being the most inventive abstract algebraist in the modern era and with this, she was able to gain a lot of recognition. Emmy also came across Noether’s theorem, which is fundamental in mathematical physics.

Emmy’s adulthood and works

From 1913 to 1916 she continued publishing several papers extending and applying Hilbert’s methods to mathematics. Meanwhile, she got engaged to Fischer and both of them shared lively enjoyment of mathematics as Fischer was also an abstract algebra.

The Nazi act in 1933 increased dramatically and all this affected Noether’s life and work and after the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service Noether accepted the decision calmly, providing support for others in those difficult times.

Noether’s work in algebra began in 1920. In 1927 Emmy started to focus on noncommutative algebras that included the linear transformations and their application to commutative number fields. She was mostly known for concepts only, and not with visualization or calculation.

Emmy was a recognized leader and the first female speaker at the renowned International Congress of Mathematics also, she had a bold personality. Since Noether gave inspiration to women all have become more empowered and independent and the situation has been improved but the bias and discrimination remain.

Typically, Emmy kept her focus on mathematics and kept teaching students in her apartment. In 1934 she briefly visited Germany to see her brother Fritz and Emmy Artin before he left for Tomsk.

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Contribution to mathematics Noether Emmy

During the 1920s Noether did foundational work on Abstract Algebra, working in group theory, number theory, ring theory, and group presentations as well.

Mathematical achievements

From the “Prussian minister of Science, Art & Public Education” in 1922 Noether Emmy received the title of “extraordinary” professorship.
In 1932 the “Ackermann – Teubner Memorial Award” was received by Emmy. This included the monetary reward as well.

Books and Paper Published

  • Collected Papers
  • Algebra Volume 1
  • Algebra Volume 2 in the year 1991
Emmy Noether Books


  • Ackermann – Teubner Memorial Award”. This included the monetary reward

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In 1935 April doctors discovered a Tumor in Noether’s pelvis. After her surgery and best rest for several days she felt unconscious, her body temperature soared and she died on 14 April 1935.

Weyl said these words after Noether Emmy death, Emmy’s importance had great energizing power and many of her recommendations took place only in the works of her pupils and co-workers.

Quotes by Emmy

Girls can’t do math? You have aNother thing coming!

It is really unfair one should instead show that they are really equal by disclosing the inner ground for their equality.

My methods are really my methods of thinking and working, and that’s the reason they have crept in everywhere anonymously.


When did Emmy Noether die?

Emmy Noether died on 14 April 1935, as she suffered from a Tumor that was found in her pelvis.

What was Amalie Emmy Noether known for?

Amalie Emmy Noether was a German mathematician who made many important contributions to abstract algebra which included group theory, ring theory, number theory, and group presentations.

What is Emmy Noether’s theorem?

Emmy Noether’s Noether theorem states that every other differentiable symmetry which had the action of physical contact with conservative forces has isonomic conservation of law.

When was Emmy Noether born?

Emmy Noether was born in Erlangen in Germany on 23 March 1882.

Why is Emmy Noether important?

Emmy Noether is important because she was behind the discovery of Noether’s theorem, which is fundamental in mathematical physics. Noether’s contribution has given the world a lot of importance in mathematics.

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Although Emmy Noether did not gain much recognition in her lifetime, her works definitely made a remark but after her death, Noether was honored in many ways. Her name has been used for a Creator on the moon. In her hometown the street where she lived was named for her and also the school she used to go to. Noether’s great contribution to mathematics is now being recognized and will always be remembered by her name.

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