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Maharishi Vagbhata the Great Physician in Ayurvedic

In ancient India Maharishi Vagbhata, the physician was celebrated as the author of the Astangasangraha also known as Astanga Hrdaya which was known for the best researchers. Considered as one of the most important guides in Ayurvedic medicine a Scientist, Writer, and Doctor.

Early Life and Birth

Maharishi Vagbhata the physician was born in Sindh, Pakistan in 600 AD. At the bank of the river, Indus Vagbhata was born near a district and was a brahmin as Sinhgupta his father was a Vedic Brahmin. For a long time Buddhism influenced him as in his childhood he was taught by a Buddhist teacher Avalokita.

Works of Maharishi Vagbhata

In the career of Maharishi Vagbhata the physician who wrote two important texts of his life which were in the field of Ayurveda “Ashtanga Hridaya Sahinata” and “Ashtanga Sangraha”. These texts of Vagbhata which were very useful at that time also and now as well people from Vaid still respect him and all of his texts are still been taught to the students who are studying Ayurveda.

In ancient times both these texts by Vagbhata were the basis of the two most important medical systems. Maharishi Vagbhata the physician started to write a work that dealt with systematically the subject Ashtanga Hridaya which included Buddhist prayer as since his childhood he had an influence of Buddhism on himself.

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Biography of Maharishi Vagbhata

Maharishi Vagbhata the physician is considered a follower of Charaka and the elegance of Kalidas if found in the language of Vagbhata. He lived around the fifth century and was influenced as a Buddhist as can be seen through the scriptures.

The works Rasashastra Rasaratna Samuccaya were done by him and were known as Vagbhata.

Not much has been known about the personal life of Vagbhata but a lot of scholars have told that in the sixth century Vagbhata used to live in Sindh which is in Pakistan. It also said that he was mostly a Vedic as in his writings he made a lot of reference to Lord Shiva and everyone in his family too were Vedic.

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Books by Maharishi Vagbhata

In the book “Ashtanga Hridaya Sahinata” the first part of the book Maharishi Vagbhata the physician has included all about the Ayurvedic medicine of ancient India. All the required instruction for the students, origin and treating all the diseases, daily and periodic observations, keeping hygiene and personal cleanliness around, all medicines their departments and all about their benefits, etc.

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In the second part of the book, Maharishi Vagbhata the physician has included and described the structure of the human body, humankind nature, all the major parts of the body, human practices, and different forms of human beings.

In the third part of the book Vagbhata has described the causes and how treatment of the disease can be cured of fever, skin diseases, asthma, vomiting, epilepsy, etc.

In the fourth part of the book he explained all about the cleanliness and vomiting and in the fifth part which was the last part he included all about the diseases related to children, treating diseases, insanity, eyes, ears, wounds of mouth and nose, treatment of insect and animal bites all of it has been explained.

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  • “Ashtangahridayam” has been translated into several languages like Tibetan, Persian, Arabic, and also in a lot of modern European and Indian languages.
  • The Ashtangahridayam is the only book till now that has been translated into German.
  • Chosen passages that were translated into English from the book have also been published in the series of Penguin Classics.

Other Published Works

  • Hṛdayaṭippaṇa
  • a Bhāvaprakāśa
  • A Kālajñāna
  • a Vamanakalpa

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Vagbhata has also thrown light on the doctors of that time in the book. Maharishi Vagbhata the physician has been the greatest physician for India as in the middle age the books written by him showed that how to advance India was in the medical field.
This was all about the life and works of Vagbhata the physician. I hope this article was helpful and informative for all of you. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Maharishi Vagbhata the Great Physician in Ayurvedic”

  1. अशोक जैन एडवोकेट

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