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How to Verify Your Math Answers with Vedic Check System

It is often the case that you have come across such a position that you are not sure about the final answer that you got. It is comparatively time-consuming to just solve it again and recheck everything. 

Vedic Math will again present you with a method from the Vedic Check System that will help you verify the answer and assure you of its accuracy in seconds. It works on the principle of Digit Sums. 

Video Tutorial

Learning Vedic Maths with Video you will find it easy So, here I am providing you Step by a step-by-step video on the Vedic Check System to understand the concept in detail. You should make sure that you follow all the instructions and solve the question accordingly to get the maximum use of the concept. Let’s watch the video:

If you are like many who love to read the article, I will be happy to explain it to you in more detail. Here is the step-by-step process to Verify the Answer to the question, let’s dive in…

Digit Sums for Vedic Check System

The digit-sum method is a handy trick to quickly check if answers in math problems are correct without redoing the entire calculation. It’s especially useful for competitive exams and is great for students who want a quick check on their work. This method helps verify the answer by comparing the digit sum of the question and the result.

What is the Digit-Sum Method or Digital Roots?

To find the digit-sum, repeatedly add all the digits of a number until you end up with a single-digit result. Let’s Understand with an  Example:

Example 1: What is the Digit Sum of 2312?

Answer: To Find the Digit Sum, Add each digit until you get the single digit number, So 2 + 3 + 1 + 2  = 8, 

So, the digit sum of 2312 is 8.

Example 2: What is the Digit Sum of the 2467539?

Answer: To Find the Digit Sum, Add each digit until you get the single digit number, So 2 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 9 = 36, 

Now, in this case, 36 is a two-digit number. Further, we have to add it again to get a single-digit number, then 3 + 6 = 9. 

So, the digit sum of 2467539 is 9.

Casting Out 9: To Make the Digit Sum Calculation Faster

The trick here is to cast 9s out. What do we mean by casting 9 out you must be wondering? Let’s understand this by an example. 

Q: Find the digit sum of 94993

Solution: To find the digit sum of 94993, we must add all the digits until we get a one-digit value.

Therefore, 9+4+9+9+3=34 and since 34 is a two-digit number, we shall perform the digit sum method again. 3+4=7.
So from above, it’s clear that the digit sum of 94993 is 7. 

Now here comes the trick!

Simply caste all the 9s out of the given number.
94993, we are left with 4 and 3, so 4+3 = 7! 

Do you want to be even more amazed?

Here’s the next part: 

The same trick works for pairs of 9, too! In other words, in a number that you are asked to calculate the Digit Sum for, it is evident that if you find the pairs that sum up to 9, they can be cast out altogether. Let’s understand it better with an example. 

Therefore, from the above example, we can conclude that we can simply cast the 9s out and arrive at our digit sum much faster! 

Q: Find the digit sum of 549673

Solution: To find the digit sum of 549673, we must add all the digits. 

Therefore 5+4+9+6+7+3=34, 

since 34 is again a two-digit number, we shall continue our search for the digit sum. 

Therefore, 3+4=7.

Now here comes the trick!

We simply cast 9s out of the given number, so in 549673, we have only one 9, therefore after removing it, we left with 54673. 

Now pay attention to this. We will now find the pairs of numbers that add up to 9. Look closely and you shall find them!

54673 (5+4=9, and 6+3=9!)

So we simply cast out the pairs that add up to 9. Therefore after removing them, we are left with only 7! Which is again, the digit sum we’ve been looking for. 

Now it might seem like it took time, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a piece of cake as far as mental math is concerned.

How to Verify Answer with the Vedic Check System:

A key note here is that “Both addition and multiplication preserves the Digit Sum”. Let’s understand this better with an example. 

Digit Sum Preservation with Addition

If you look closely at the following problem, we perform addition between 21 and 14. We already have the answer i.e. 35, we simply have to check if it is the correct answer or not. 

Step1: Check the digit sum for 21 and 14
We will add 2 and 1 to calculate the digit sum for 21, therefore 2+1=3. Similarly, for 14, 1+4=5.

Step 2: Add and compare the digit sum of the added numbers and the result.
Digit sum of 21 + Digit sum of 14 =>  3 + 5=8

Step 3: Now, calculating the digit sum of the resultant, 3+5=8

Since the digit sum of the added number is equal to that one of the resultant, henceforth the result is likely to be correct. 

Digit Sum Preservation with Multiplication

If we just iterate what we did while checking the addition, here too it would be easier for you to understand. The only difference here is that we are going to multiply the digit sums of the multiplier and the multiplicand to compare it with the digit sum of the result.

Step1: Check the digit sum of multiplier 21 and multiplicand 14

We will add 2 and 1 to calculate the digit sum for 21, therefore 2+1=3. Similarly, for 14, 1+4=5. 

Step 2: Multiply and compare the digit sums of multiplier and multiplicand with the resultant number.
Digit sum of 21 x Digit sum of 14 => 3×5=15 => 1+5=6

Step 3: Now calculating the Digit sum of the resultant number, 2+9+4=15 => 1+5=6

Since the Digit sum of the multiplication of the multiplier and the multiplicand is similar to that of the resultant number, we can say that the result is likely to be correct.

Important Note for Vedic Check System

The digit-sum method is best for spotting mistakes but can’t give you the answer. It only checks whether your answer is right or wrong. If the digit sum values don’t match, the answer must be wrong and you have to calculate the answer again, but if they match, you’ll still need to double-check to be certain.

Ready to Learn More?

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