Vedic Math Classes in Mumbai

Compete Vedic Maths Online Classes with Study Material. Right Now, we are offering online classes for every Mumbai student.

Being in a competitive exam is like being on a battlefield and trying to use every strategy and weapon towards victory. And, Vedic Math is just like that. You too can use this weapon to conquer the competitive exams where the environment is also stressful and every second counts.

Hello everyone, today we’re here to tell you all about the Vedic Math classes which are happening in Mumbai. So, let’s discuss all the details about the Vedic Math classes and how they are going to be helpful for all of you!

All about Vedic Math

Vedic Math doesn’t follow the traditional method of calculation which is quite time-consuming. Using the Vedic mathematical method you can get the numerical calculation in seconds and it will be helpful for you in any of your examinations. Vedic mental mathematics modus operandi will help you to find out the results much faster than the regular mathematical method.

Vedic Maths will teach you all how you can solve a single question in multiple ways or you can also say multiple methods to deal with a single question. After completion of your Vedic Math classes, you’ll be able to see a drastic improvement in the calculation and accuracy in it.

What are the Vedic Math Advantages?

In Vedic Mathematics all the tricks, techniques, and all the special methods will help you to solve all the problems in an efficient time

The course will also help you to improve your academic performance and your intuition abilities as well.

While you are learning Vedic Mathematics it will also help you in increasing your visualization and your concentration abilities

In the Vedic Math Program or course, they will not only teach you, but they will also provide you comprehensive, lucid study material for later so that you can do the revision and solve the exercises.

The Vedic Math Classes

In the Vedic Math classes there is a lot of courses you can choose accordingly:

The beginners level course where you would be taught about the introduction of Vedic Maths.

The Vedic Math beginner to advance complete course will be taught through the live classes

While you are just a class away from entering secondary level education, this course is for all the students of the fifth class who will also attend the live classes.

Now when you are in your secondary education which is in your sixth class are you ready to solve the mathematics of 6th? You can take the Vedic Math classes for the sixth class to be the best one in the class.

And from seventh class till twelfth where you have to choose a career for yourself so you can choose any of the courses if you are in seventh then go for it, in eighth, in ninth, in tenth, or in eleventh you can choose the courses accordingly.

Lastly, the Vedic Maths online class is (one to one) which is a course module designed based on one teacher for one student. These classes are for all those students who are not comfortable with group studies. This course also provides you with all the study material and practice exercises.

Scope of Vedic Maths

  • It focuses on the concept of simplicity. It’ll teach you how you can use simple principles to get solutions for complex problems.
  • Vedic Maths will make you sharper and faster, in the long run, it’ll improve your precision by mental calculation.
  • Keep aside the traditional method and use the Vedic Math alternative method of calculating to crack your coveted exam
  • It will also help you to build your stamina and reasoning skills for quantitative aptitude and reasoning.

Vedic Math Syllabus

Here is the syllabus of Vedic Math classes:

Number system, Vedic method of multiplication, Vedic method of the square, Vedic method of division, Vedic method of cube root, Vedic method of square root, Vedic proof of Pi, Vedic method of addition, Vedic method of cube root, linear equation, Vedic math of LCM and HCF,  S.I unit conversion, mental reasoning, miscellaneous activity linear equation, Vedic geometrical proof, Vedic numeral system, quadratic equation, Pythagoras theorem, Vedic method of trigonometry, rule of divisibility, Vyashti Samashti: part and whole introduction to graphs, and a lot more.

Other Vedic Math School Course

Vedic Math For Tenth Class

Introduction To Vedic Maths [ Beginner Level]

Vedic Math School Introduces a Basic Vedic Maths Online Classes for Everyone Who wants to Start Learning Vedic Maths. Get Enrolled and Start Learning There are no any Criteria of Class and Age.

Vedic Math For Ninth Class

Vedic Maths Beginner to Advance Complete Course ( Live Class)

Advance and Complete Course Till Date on Vedic Maths. Get Enroll and Learn Vedic Maths From Start to Finish with all Mathematical Proofs and Theorem. This Course is Highly Relevant for 12 and Above Class of Students.

Vedic Maths Online Classes One to One

Vedic Maths Online Classes ( One to One )

Vedic Math School Introduces Vedic Math's Online Classes for Everyone Who wants to Start Learning Vedic Math's in One to One Mode. Get Enrolled and Start Learning There are no any Criteria of Class and Age.


Yes, Vedic Math does make calculation easy. To add to that you can do sums mentally as well with the help of Vedic Maths Techniques. Every child deserves to learn Vedic Math so that Math is no longer a pain and phobia for them. It makes Math fun while in the process.

Here are some benefits of studying Vedic Math

  • It will sharpen your mind and will increase your mental ability and intelligence.
  • It will help develop the left and right sides of your brain hence using intuition and innovation. It has also been noted that geniuses have been using the right side of the brain to achieve exceptional results.
  • It is more than 1700% times faster than normal Math: this makes it the World’s Fastest.
  • It also helps in increasing your speed and accuracy. Become a Mental Calculator yourself.

The Course is Very Useful to all age group of Student, But We Recommend Above Four Class Student so that he can quickly grasp the concept.

Online Class are designed to encourage the participant to excel in mental calculation, and we expect with every individual to follow the rules of mental mathematics and other memory improvement activity keenly and adhere in his daily life. In the Workshop sessions themselves, students get the most out of the experience if they don’t hang back, but instead jump right into the discussion. You are free to make your mistake in the workshop because this is how learning happens.

After Attending the Online Class  you will get enough idea Where, Why, What, How to Study or Implement the Concept of Vedic Maths in Daily Routine But For now you can start from Some General Rule of Vedic Maths.
Yes Absolutely, To be a Best you need Latest Tips, Tricks and Method to Handle the single Problem with multiple ways with efficiently and sharply and Vedic maths workshop will help the good academics participants to become best. read more 


Stand out from the rest and make Vedic Math your winning edge and if you think you are a winner then the winners always try to go an extra mile and that is the reason they study Vedic Math. So, what you are waiting for is to make up your choice and enroll fast for the course.

And, this was all about the Vedic Maths classes in Delhi and all the other detailed information. We hope this article was helpful for you all if you have any queries regarding the course drop them in the comments we’ll surely get back. Thank you!

What Students are Saying

Vidhi Bhardwaj
Vidhi Bhardwaj
The Classes were Amazing. The topics covered in the Workshop are Pretty Useful.
Kriti Agarwal
Kriti Agarwal
This is the Best Course for Us and I enjoyed it a lot and I will also appreciate my classmates for doing the Course. It was really Amazing.
Sonali Mittal
Sonali Mittal
Calculation was the most enjoyable. Yes, it will improve in our future. Thank you Sir.
Very Helpful for Saving time in Competition Examination and Very nice way to Teach by the Sir.
Anjallil Gulguttta
Anjallil Gulguttta
The Way of teaching and interacting with students was well done. Enjoyed the Session. It will Help in the Future
Ch. Nayana
Ch. Nayana
According to me, The Complete Session the Tricks to Solve the Problem was very interesting, I had learnt a lot from this Course