George Boole : English Mathematician, Philosopher, and Logician

George Boole was born in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England on 2 November 1815. He was a self-taught mathematician, logician, and philosopher

He was the son of the son of John Boole and Mary Ann Joyce. He belonged to the family of the shoemaker.

He had a primary school education and later on his father taught him, as they couldn’t afford formal education due to the loss in the business.

He had a primary school education and later on his father taught him, as they couldn’t afford formal education due to the loss in the business.

In February 1840, His paper, “Researches in the theory of analytical transformations” was printed in the Cambridge Mathematical Journal.

In 1844 He won the first gold prize by Royal Society for the research papers he has written in mathematics.

In 1855, He was rewarded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh with the Keith Medal.

In 1857, He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS). From the University of Oxford and the University of Dublin, he received degrees of LL.D.